Beth & Mariah

What have you done this summer so far?

Beth: “So far we went to a week long retreat where we go to camp in bunks and then do fun team bonding stuff. After that week we hit the ground running doing all different types of orientations. Other than orientations we also get to give campus tours. On are free time we like to hang out and play sand volleyball together and go out to dinner.”

Mariah: “Same as Beth!”

What is a TM?

Beth: “A TM is a transition mentor who is in charge of making sure all new students to Wichita State have all the resources and tools to be successful here at Wichita State.”

Mariah: “What Beth said!”

What is your favorite part of being a TM?

Beth: “My favorite part of being a TM is getting to know the students on a deeper level and creating a bond so that when school begins they feel comfortable coming to me and asking questions and for help!”

Mariah: “My favorite part of being a TM is being that first impression of a “real life college student” at Wichita State and hopefully showing them that college is an amazing place to learn, grown, and become our best selves. College isn’t easy so I love being someone they can count on to have their back. It’s a team sport so I try to be their first teammate if they don’t already have one! In the case that they do, I’m their teammate number 2 ;)”

Has being TMs together created a greater bond through your sisterhood?

Beth: “Being a TM has made me become closer to Mariah because I know she is my sister as well as a senior TM so whenever I need anything I know I can go to her. As well as I really look up to Mariah as a senior TM, and I strive to be as posed and intentional as she is.”

Mariah: “I really was not super close to Beth before TM other than through interactions with Intramurals since I was the IM chair prior to her term. Beth honestly amazes me, I could not say enough about her character and her compassion. She’s so kind to everyone and has so much wisdom! I always find myself learning from her as she serves others so humbly, it reminds me to always put others first. I’m QUITE a bit taller but I still look up to Beth (hehe) and the impacts she makes on her students is so evident!”

What is your favorite memory so far about your time as a TM?

Beth: “So far my favorite memory of being a TM is during Orientations when I get to participate in Riff Off’s. I know CAS will when it one day!!!”

Mariah: “Oh man my favorite memory is hard to say. I’ve loved being a TM and I think my favorite memory of this summer was getting to see my mentees from last summer when I’m with my new groups, and them stopping to say hi to my groups during orientation and keeping in touch with me! The support we give to our students really comes full circle and it’s been a such a cool feeling to experience that and also to see them doing so well here and loving college.”

Anything else you’d like to add?

Mariah: “I think we both give our all to this position because we can really see the effects it has in the lives of our students, and you gain so much from it yourself! There’s just something about giving your all to others that makes you feel SO DANG FULL 💛

And it makes it even better that we get to do it together.”

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